Cadw Opera Canolbarth Cymru ar daith

Diolch i’r llif o gefnogaeth – ac arian! – gan ein cyfeillion a’n cefnogwyr, a gan selogion opera dros y wlad – a grant pwysig ofnadwy gan Gronfa Ffyniant Gyffredin Cyngor Sir Powys, rydym ni bellach wrthi’n datblygu ein cynlluniau artistig ar gyfer y ddwy flynedd nesaf. Darllenwch mwy…

Opera i Bawb

Mae Opera Canolbarth Cymru’n saernïo ac yn perfformio cynyrchiadau cyflawn a chartrefol mewn lleoliadau ledled Cymru a thu hwnt. Rydym yn gweld gwerth anferthol i opera ac yn mynd â chynyrchiadau sy’n ysbrydoli i theatrau a mannau lle mae’r cyfle i weld opera fyw yn brin a lle gellir cyrraedd at gynulleidfaoedd newydd. Rydym yn ymroddedig i feithrin, herio ac annog talent ifanc a ffres, gydag o leiaf 50% o gantorion y cwmni o dan 30 oed neu wedi gorffen eu haddysg o fewn y 4 mlynedd ddiwethaf.

macbeth spring 24

PAGLIACCI Hydref 2024

“…Send in the clowns for a stylish and emotive evening! Leoncavallo’s short opera has been downscaled for a chamber orchestra and given a simple but effective staging, rounded off with some surprise razzle dazzle”

Rian Evans, The Guardian – darllenwch adolydiad llawn

beatrice autumn 23

Beatrice and Benedict Hydref 2023

“Berlioz’s Shakespearean opera is stripped to the bone for four instruments and six singers, but the show is slick and spirited, with sopranos Lorena Paz Nieto and Monica McGhee standouts”

Rian Evans, The Guardian – darllenwch yr adolygiad llawn

hansel winter 23

Hansel and Gretel Gaeaf 2023

“…this show will charm and captivate … Mid Wales Opera has done it again and delivered a corker of a production”

David Truslove, Opera Today darllenwch yr adolygiad llawn

puss in boots 22

Puss in Boots Hydref 2022

“If you’re not familiar with Montsalvatge, there’s no need to worry, for his wonderfully communicative and comic score (not unlike a panto) is packed with engaging tunes”

David Truslove, Opera Today darllenwch yr adolygiad llawn

la boheme spring 22

La bohème Gwanwyn 2022

“When the lights dimmed for a final time, I wanted to wind back time and play it through all over again. I stood to leave, having been cultured, but also entertained. Having left the present day behind for the duration of the performance. And as I filtered out of the theatre after my first opera experience, I found myself on my phone, googling the next one that I should see.”

Rhiannon White, Community Critic, The Riverfront Newport

macbeth spring 24

Macbeth Gwanwyn 2024

“…a profound understanding of what works, musically and dramatically, and an unshakable commitment to deliver it to the highest standard”

Richard Bratby, The Spectator – darllenwch adolydiad llawn

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Galeri Pagliacci

Galeri o’n cynhyrchiad diweddaraf

Cefnogwyd yn 2024-25 gan

Llwyodraeth y DU, Cyngor Sir Powys, Ymddiriedolaeth Elusennol Colwinston, Elusen Gwendoline a Margaret Davies, Ymddiriedolaeth Opera Laidlaw, Sefydliad Millichope ac llawer o roddwyr unigol – diolch yn fawr!

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