Are you a musician, singer or composer of opera, vocal or chamber-scale music?
Would you like to do something positive during Covid-19 to connect and make music with your local community in Wales?
Can you think of a new project you could set up and deliver with a
community group in your local area?
If you have answered yes to all 3 questions, please read on!
tell us BRIEFLY about your idea – in Welsh or English – either in 300 written words or in a 2 minute recording, including:
Ideas should reach us by 5pm on Friday November 6th email
We will then tell you by Friday November 13th if we want you to work with us and develop a project to submit to the second stage, which will involve sending us more details.
Read more about Cerddoriaeth eich Milltir Sgwar / Music at Your Place, a joint Mid Wales Opera/Ensemble Cymru project developed in response to COVID-19.
Thanks to the enormous outpouring of love – and money! – from our friends and supporters, and from opera lovers across the country – and a hugely important grant from Powys County Council’s Shared Prosperity Fund allocation, we are now actively developing our artistic plans for the next two years… find out more …or…