Working in Schools

Mid Wales Opera's School Work

Unlocking Creativity and Inspiring Young Minds

At Mid Wales Opera, we believe in the transformative power of music and performance, and we are dedicated to enriching the lives of young people through engaging and interactive experiences. See what we offer below or get in touch to discuss your ideas. You can also read our blog to learn about our past projects in schools.

“Wow! Dosbarth Miss Powell would love to start every week with Mid Wales Opera. Learners composed and sang different recitatives, and we also learned an aria from ‘The Bird Catcher’s Song’ from The Magic Flute by Mozart. Diolch yn fawr, Ieuan a Ian! A fantastic learning experience for all!”

Miss Powell’s class, Radnor Valley School

Why Do We Go Into Schools?

Our school work programme is designed to introduce Key Stage 1 and 2 students to the world of opera in a fun and accessible way. By bringing professional composers, conductors, and opera singers directly into the classroom, we provide students with a unique opportunity to explore their creativity, develop their musical skills, and expand their cultural horizons.


The Value of Opera in Education

Opera is a rich, multidisciplinary art form that incorporates music, drama, storytelling, and visual arts. By integrating opera into the school curriculum, we offer students a holistic learning experience that stimulates their imagination, fosters collaboration, and promotes critical thinking.

A fantastic morning learning about the Opera.
We had so much enjoyment from the session and we were still singing once Ieuan and Ian gone!”

Ysgol Carno

Key Benefits of MWO School Work

Inspiring Creativity

Our sessions encourage students to express themselves creatively through music and performance. Whether composing their own melodies, exploring character development, or singing together as a group, students are empowered to unleash their creative potential.

Building Confidence

Participating in opera workshops helps students build confidence and develop valuable communication skills. Through rehearsals and performances, they learn to express themselves with clarity and conviction—both on stage and in everyday life.

Cultural Enrichment

Opera is a vibrant and diverse art form that spans centuries and continents. By exposing students to a variety of musical styles, languages, and cultural traditions, we broaden their cultural horizons and foster an appreciation for diversity and inclusion.

Teamwork and Collaboration

Opera is inherently collaborative, requiring musicians, singers, actors, and stage crew to work together towards a common goal. Our workshops emphasise teamwork, cooperation, and mutual respect, teaching students the value of collaboration in achieving shared objectives.

Engaging Learning Experience

Our sessions are designed to be interactive, immersive, and above all, enjoyable. Through games, storytelling, and hands-on activities, we keep students actively engaged and eager to participate, making learning a joyful and rewarding experience.

Is your school based in Mid Wales?

At Mid Wales Opera, we are committed to making opera accessible to audiences of all ages and backgrounds. Through our school work programme, we hope to inspire a new generation of opera lovers and ignite a lifelong passion for music and the arts. If you are based in Mid Wales and would like us to visit your school, please get in touch. We offer sessions in both English and Welsh.

Get in Touch
Working in Schools


Help get Mid Wales Opera back on the road

Help get Mid Wales Opera back on the road

Only a few months ago we thought Mid Wales Opera was finished. Now, thanks to a funding lifeline from Powys County Council, we are within touching distance of having a sustainable plan to keep on producing live and local opera across Wales for at least three years.

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