If you live in or around Llandinam, Llanfair Caerinion, Abermule, Aberdaron, Criccieth, Denbigh, Cilgerran, Aberystwyth, Ystradgynlais, Barmouth, Aberdovey, Hay on Wye, Ludlow, Ammanford, Cwmbran or Presteigne then we need your help!
Do you know of some fantastic places to stay, some great eateries or some local beauty spots to visit? If you have anything to share about the area please fill in this simple form and we’ll post it on social media and share it on our website!
You are welcome to plug your own business too!
Thanks to the enormous outpouring of love – and money! – from our friends and supporters, and from opera lovers across the country – and a hugely important grant from Powys County Council’s Shared Prosperity Fund allocation, we are now actively developing our artistic plans for the next two years… find out more …or…