Help get Mid Wales Opera back on the road

Only a few months ago we thought Mid Wales Opera was finished. Now, thanks to a funding lifeline from Powys County Council, we are within touching distance of having a sustainable plan to keep on producing live and local opera across Wales for at least three years. Find out more…


Autumn 2024

Mid Wales Opera are back on tour this autumn with Leoncavallo’s legendary operatic thriller ‘Pagliacci’, or ‘Clowns’.

Macbeth review – powerful Verdi staging...

Rian Evans, The Guardian


“With some fine musical characterisation from the principals as well as those in cameo roles, and a particularly blazing finale to act one, there is a wonderful sense of a defiant upholding of MWO values by artistic director/designer Richard Studer and music director Jonathan Lyness.”

Macbeth Verdi (past production)

Opera For Everyone

Mid Wales Opera crafts and performs fully-staged and intimate touring opera productions at venues across Wales & beyond. We are passionate about opera, taking inspiring productions into theatres and spaces where live opera is rarely seen and bringing it to new audiences. We are committed to nurturing, challenging and encouraging young and fresh talent by casting half or more of our performers from those who have recently graduated or are under thirty years old.

macbeth spring 24

Macbeth Spring 2024

“…a profound understanding of what works, musically and dramatically, and an unshakable commitment to deliver it to the highest standard”

Richard Bratby, The Spectator – read the full review

beatrice autumn 23

Beatrice and Benedict Autumn 2023

“Berlioz’s Shakespearean opera is stripped to the bone for four instruments and six singers, but the show is slick and spirited, with sopranos Lorena Paz Nieto and Monica McGhee standouts”

Rian Evans, The Guardian – read the full review

hansel winter 23

Hansel and Gretel Winter 2023

“…this show will charm and captivate … Mid Wales Opera has done it again and delivered a corker of a production”

David Truslove, Opera Today read the full review

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Puss in Boots Autumn 2022

“If you’re not familiar with Montsalvatge, there’s no need to worry, for his wonderfully communicative and comic score (not unlike a panto) is packed with engaging tunes”

David Truslove, Opera Today read the full review

la boheme spring 22

La bohème Spring 2022

“When the lights dimmed for a final time, I wanted to wind back time and play it through all over again. I stood to leave, having been cultured, but also entertained. Having left the present day behind for the duration of the performance. And as I filtered out of the theatre after my first opera experience, I found myself on my phone, googling the next one that I should see.”

Rhiannon White, Community Critic, The Riverfront Newport

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Mid Wales Opera’s work in 2024-25 is supported by

UK Government’s Shared Prosperity Fund through Powys County Council, Colwinston Charitable Trust, Gwendoline and Margaret Davies Charity, Millichope Foundation and our many individual donors – thank you!